Original topic:

Please make the chirp for a lost bud louder

(Topic created: 02-25-2022 09:08 PM)
Galaxy Buds

I've made a forum post about this before, but I guess I needed to make a new account for some reason BUT.

For the second time now....
PLEASE. PLEASE enable the chirping even if the earbuds "think" they're in an ear. You have no idea how many times I've lost my earbud on the couch, floor, bed, etc... and just so happens they're bottom side down. The infrared sensors in the earbud or whatever you use to determine if they're in an ear thinks literally any piece of fabric, clothing, flooring, blankets, pillows, cushions, LITERALLY ANYTHING CLOSE TO IT, is an ear. So because of that, it disables chirping. It makes the chirping completely USELESS. You might as well remove the feature. Honestly. 99.9% of the time the sensors are facing down, probably cause of just general physics, but because of this the chirping feature will NOT work. They mute themselves over and over again even if you try to make it chirp.
Samsung. You need to understand. If the user is looking for the earbuds, we're too busy looking for it and we don't have them in our ear. You don't need to disable the chirping cause of some sort of ear damage possibility. And even THEN, just put a dialog box saying "Please remove any earbuds before using this feature." to cover yourselves. 
This isn't rocket science. Just let us find the earbud, like the feature was literally designed to do. There's no point in disabling the feature for something as trivial as the earbud "thinking" it's in an ear.
Please release an update for this. It's been months, and still the exact same issue. The neglect is making us think you guys don't care about whats going on in the forum. 

1 Solution

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

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5 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
I completely agree with you, but don't hold your breath. Samsung is not exactly known for listening to their costumers. (Although most phones companies don't either)
Galaxy Buds
I agree with this as well. If the thinking was to prevent possible hearing damage if it chirps while in the ear, well I am pretty sure we know we didn't loose it in our ear. I wish the chirp was louder as well. It's easily muffled.
Galaxy Buds
Ironically, I lost my earbud today. Again. And it's doing the same issue. Again. I can't find it, and the earbud keeps on muting itself, creating an ever increasingly annoying game of hide & seek. I honestly thought the pro version of these earbuds wouldn't have this issue.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

Galaxy Buds
The ability to change the ring sound when you're trying to find your buds would be awesome and it's necessary.