Original topic:

Find my buds not that accurate.

(Topic created: 3 hours ago)
Galaxy Buds
I misplaced my buds 3 pro on the 26th of November. My toddler has a habit of grabbing them and playing with them so I wasn't too worried. I used my find my buds feature it it was saying they were 3 houses down. Given that it was 4 am (i have new born twins and it's my turn to sleep for a bit) I couldn't go knocking. I was using the find near by feature because I haven't left the house in about a week. The app kept on saying a neighbor had them. Then for what ever reason I checked some shorts I had tossed next to my bed. They were in there. They didn't beep, the app didn't pick em up. Nothing. It wasn't until I opened the case that the app knew they were there. Is the app buggy? Is there a setting i don't have on?
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Buds

It might have more to do with Google maps.  The location isn't always accurate, so you should calibrate the map and make sure it has *your* location correct.  Sometimes, if you live in an apartment, or a community where houses are close together, it can mistake one place for another.  Many times, when I am sitting in my living room, it will show me sitting in the next community over, but if I move to my sun room, it shows me in the correct location (sort of--it shows me in the middle of the lake).