Original topic:

Buds pro 3 issues

(Topic created: 02-12-2025 09:03 AM)
Galaxy Buds
I'm having a lot of trouble with my Galaxy Buds Pro 3, and I'm hoping someone can help. I've always preferred Samsung/Galaxy products over Apple, and while I briefly used Apple AirPods Pro, I was excited to return to Galaxy and try the Buds Pro 3. However, my experience has been far from ideal, and it seems headphones are the one area where Apple might have the edge. I'm experiencing several frustrating issues:
 * Call Disconnection: When I put the Buds Pro 2 back in their case, they sometimes disconnect calls that are active on either my phone or my car's Bluetooth system. This is incredibly disruptive.
 * Connection Issues: My phone frequently struggles to connect to the Buds Pro 3 during calls. They might connect for a split second, then immediately disconnect, forcing the call back to my phone's speaker.
 * Forced Dual Use: Even when I already have one earbud in, if I'm on a call and want to connect that single bud, I often have to take out the earbud that's still in the case to get the call to connect to my buds. This makes no sense.
 * Inconsistent Noise Canceling: The active noise canceling (ANC) is extremely inconsistent. It seems to flicker on and off, and I can both hear and feel the change. It's like it's constantly switching between ANC and ambient sound, even though the setting on my phone remains unchanged. I want consistent noise canceling, not this back-and-forth switching.
I've already tried resetting both the earbuds and my phone, but the problems persist. It's baffling that Samsung, a top brand, is selling such expensive and seemingly defective earbuds. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to fix these problems? I'm at my wit's end! 
1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello techaddict1832, Welcome to the Community. We understand it can be frustrating when the earbuds do not work in the way expected.

* When you put the headphones in the case, they disconnect from the phone/Bluetooth. You need to switch the output before disconnecting the earbuds. 

*For connection concerns, please the solution here: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-Buds/Galaxy-Buds-3-Constantly-Disconnects/m-p/2969291

* Removing the earbud from your ear pauses media. If removing one bud and leaving on active, the active bud become the dominant bud and will perform all functions. 

* For active noise-canceling concerns, please see the solution here: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-Buds/Anc-poor-function-on-buds-3-pro/m-p/3119303

We recommend submitting feedback to Samsung using the following steps:

If troubleshooting does not help resolve your concerns, you can have the earbuds evaluated. You can use the following link to find a list of service centers in the U.S.: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/location or by contacting customer support at 1-800-726-7864.


For assistance outside the U.S., please use this link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html