Original topic:

Service Providers are the ones hurting the sales of Z Fold 6!!!!

(Topic created: 01-07-2025 11:26 AM)
Fold & Flip Phones

I am the happy and proud owner of a Z Fold 4. I worked for Frito-Lay and PepsiCo, and I currently work for Caterpillar in logistics. So decent money, and lots of OT and bonuses. So if I want a Z Fold 5 I should be able to get one right? Well no matter how hard I worked I could never have enough left to pay off my Fold 4. They had promised me that the exact SECOND that I pay off my 4 I could upgrade, well we are now on the Fold 6. (Which I go into Best Buy once a week so I can hold one) Well yesterday I had an extra $600 so I paid off my Fold 4!!! Well when I went to trade it in for a 1/2T Silver Shadow Fold 6, they said I had to go to an even more expensive plan than the unlimited everything that I already have to get the trade in deal, then when I get to check out, they want an $825.00 down payment on top of the trade in!!!! I called them and they said they would work it out in 24 hours, and I got nothing!!! My credit isn't good enough for the financing on the web site. So Samsung...people (me) REALLY want that phone but the people selling your product are almost working AGAINST you! I just want that phone, I'm not trying to buy an automatic weapon, or a foreign sports car, JUST A FOLDING PHONE!!! Make them easier for hard working people to obtain, and your sales will skyrocket!!!! Instead your phone is an exclusive club with bouncer at the door turning people away. How is that supposed to make you money or get the product in the hands of loyal customers!!!!??? Huh Samsung? Huh? You all should tell Verizon that you don't approve of their business practices! What do I have to do to get a Fold 6??! (If you delete this it's because you support that behavior and your are part of the international conspiracy to keep me from ever having a Fold 6! I put a little humor in this but it really is like that!

9 Replies
Fold & Flip Phones
Verizon has eliminated old unlimited plans and they are forcing everyone to switch to new unlimited if new phone is purchased. When it comes to down payment, your bad credit score is most likely reason why they ask for it.
Black Hole
Fold & Flip Phones
Just stop buying your phones from your carrier, it's more expensive and the device is more bloated and will take longer to receive updates. Just buy unlocked directly from samsung.com, the trade in deals are better and you can finance the purchase monthly. Verizon is a garbage company anyways
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones
Was going to say that, no need for me to be repetitive. That, and switch carriers.
Fold & Flip Phones
T-Mobile, I've never been turned down at T-Mobile for financing any of my many phones over the years. I've had like every Samsung S model phone, and almost every note phone there.were until they killed the Note line of phones.I've got pretty good capital when it comes to buying a new phones heck 5 phones, even if i wanted too. So yeah get your six into your nearest T-Mobile store and get yourself your phone or phones brah.
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones
I have T-Mobile. I love T-Mobile. I don't do trade ins, though.
Fold & Flip Phones
Did a trade in with them for the fold 3. Got instant $800 plus monthly credits for my old note 10 plus about 2 - 3 years ago. Been doing trade in with samsung after that due to the higher trade in value. Recently traded in my fold 5 that was giving issues and got the fold 6 for about $200 less than the pre-order for the fold 5 with the same storage size šŸ™‚
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones
Think all 3 big carriers are requiring the highest plan for trade in or offers i.e make them more money have you looked on the Samsung site for there offers
Fold & Flip Phones
Fold & Flip Phones
Samsung goes all surprised when people are not buying their phones when we have to sell a kidney to pay one off