Original topic:

Notification Alerts Confusing - Sound continues on Silent, Flag Number Source, Clearing Flags

(Topic created: 02-19-2025 11:46 AM)
Fold & Flip Phones

Switched from Apple to ZFold phones a few years ago and continue to be frustrated by Notifications. My phone is constantly indicating a notification but theres nothing on the Notification Screen or Notification History. It's so bad that even though I set Do Not Disturb for my sleep time, I get alerts long after it is engaged.

I checked each app for its Silent setting. Today, a Samsung Advisor and I determined that even though an app was set to Silent, its Notification Category was not, and it continued to sound an alert. An example we tested was Outlook Mobile. The app notifications were set to silent but I was getting a sound alert. When I went into Categories, it was not set to silent. By turning it off there, the notifications sound stopped for Outlook mobile. The same occurred with Samsung Health, their own app. Anyone else seeing this, or can explain it?

In addition, I get alerts that dont show up anywhere. I have no idea where they are coming from. If a notification sounds an alert, it should be visible. Not always. Also, I am tired of seeing my Instagram account icon shows a flag of 6, but when I go into Instagram I cant find any reason for it. Apple phones lead you right to the notification source. I have flat numbers on app icons and I have to spend time searching for the reason. This is silliness. Finally, I have a flag showing 10 on LinkedIn. I go in and see 10 reasons for the 10 flag...great. But when I only need to look at 2 or 3 go them and I exit the app, the LinkedIn icon still shows a flag of 10. Apple removes the flag as soon as you enter the app, and assumes you would have addressed the notifications while you were in there and clears them. With my Samsung, I have to clear the notification on the Notification Screen to make them go away. But I dont always use the Notification Screen. Please. Why am I the only one confused by Samsung Notifications?

12 Replies
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones

If you are getting mystery notification sounds, but no actual notification, download Good Lock and the nice catch module. It can help you identify which app or system function is sending the sound. You can also check settings/notifications/advanced settings/notification history.

Fold & Flip Phones

Thank you but I have been living in Notification Green and History. Note that Notification Categories seems to be at least part of the problem. After silencing Oultook mobile I still received notification alerts until I ALSO turned off sound in Categories. Samsung acted like I am the only one who ever had this issue with alerts. I might ask, when alerts are by their name supposed to bring something to your attention, why should I have to load another app to figure out the reason? 

Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones

Because you are getting mystery notifications and you want to know where they are coming from so you can, perhaps, troubleshoot why you are not getting an actual notification.  Checking your notification history may give you some clue as to what some mysterious sounds are.  Some things don't actually send a notification, just a sound. System sounds are different than app notification sounds.  Most people have already downloaded Good Lock and some of its modules for customization purposes, Nice Catch is just another module and could help you determine if some rogue app is sending you notifications.  Some apps may have a misconfiguration in their notification module and will send a sound but not a message.  You don't have to download anything at all, you can just live with your mystery sounds.


Also, if you call Samsung customer service, they cannot help you, because they do not know the ins and outs of everything.  You have to either speak with tech support or put in an error report so that the developers can review your logs.

Fold & Flip Phones
OK. Thanks to you, and Nice Catch, I found partner the problem. In Settjngs, Repeat Notifications were set for 3 minute intervals. It is now turned off. I have to ask, why doesn't a repeat notification somehow identify itself. Once again, a.notificatuin is more than useless if you don't easily know why you are getting it.1740088836894.jpg
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones

I cannot answer that question. I don't set any of my notifications for repeat. And the only one that does repeat is medication reminders f I don't dismiss it properly. It always identifies itself, though. Plus it has a distinctive sound. What you are seeing there is a system sound related to settings.  As you can see from my list, nice catch shows which app has made a sound and of what type.  Your image shows only that your mystery sound is coming from settings.  Have you checked settings/notifications/advanced settings/notification history to see if it appears there?

Screenshot_20250220_170853_Nice Catch.jpgScreenshot_20250220_171340_Settings.jpg



Fold & Flip Phones
I thought repeat would be good for say, voicemail. But if the constant alerts don't tell you it's a voicemail, it's not helpful.1740091189103.jpg
Fold & Flip Phones

You are not the only one having this issue.  This is the most annoying and I may end up getting rid of this phone because of it.


Fold & Flip Phones
Thanks for taking time to reply. I thought I was the only one. Samsung support made me feel like an **bleep**.
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones

It might not be the voicemail, but if that's the only thing you have on repeat, it might be.  But you should at least get the voicemail icon.  Try turning off the repeat notification for the voicemail and see if it goes away.  When you turned on the repeat notifications, did you choose any other apps besides voicemail?  Maybe that's why it's not showing which app it's for.  I don't know, as I said, I don't use repeat notifications - one notification is annoying enough.  If you selected a unique sound for voicemail notifications, that should be the sound you are hearing on the repeat.  Even if it was for the voicemail, the notifications should stop after you listen to the voicemail.  There is no sense in reminding you, if you've already heard the voicemail.