Original topic:

Beverage zone temperature settings.

(Topic created: 02-02-2025 10:45 AM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

I just got a new Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator with Beverage Zone. The Beverage Zone can be set to two different temperatures: Wine/Dessert, and Beverages. I cannot find any reference to what these temperatures actually are. Not on the control panel, not in Smart Things, not on the website.

There is a reference on the website for the Flex Zone temperature settings that gives a temperature range for those settings https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00088584/

(Freeze-same as freezer, Soft Freeze-23 F, Meat/Fish-30 F, Fruit/Veggies 36 F, and Beverage-39F)

But there's nothing similar I can find that gives me those values for the beverage center settings.

I searched the forum and came up empty as well. Anyone have a clue or done any testing?

1 Reply
Kitchen and Family Hub

I took some measurements at both settings, and they don't look too different. I measured the temp of a full milk carton, and a 1 pound block of butter.

 First, I set the Beverage center setting to Wine/Dessert and waited 24 hours for the temp to adjust and stabilize.

Wine/Dessert setting: 41 F to 45F

Then I changed the setting to Beverage and again waited 24 hours for the temp to adjust/stabilize

Beverage setting: 41.5 F to 45 F

The Fridge temp is set to 38 F by the way.

If there's no guidance on temp ranges, I'd still like to know is which of the two settings is supposed to be colder.