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My Full OneUI 7 Beta Experience

(Topic created: 12-30-2024 03:25 PM)
So I've come across a few issues while using beta 2 on my s24 plus;
 1. The battery drain is terrible, even with screen off the battery drains super quick, this wasnt so much of an issue in beta 1 but now im noticing that with just casual use (social media and music) the battery hardly lasts half a day, it seems like there is a battery optimization issue or something else with beta 2 because I have battery optimization on and put apps to sleep on as well snd still have this issue.
 2. I noticed that there is a nowbar element for Samsung health, when I start an exercise on my phone the nowbar element appears, when I start one on my watch I do not get a nowbar with exercise information, I don't know if this is a glitch or if it is intentional but If it isn't a glitch I would appreciate if you could add it so that it works with exercises started on my watch as well.
 3. Ram usage and temperature, I've noticed that the ram usage is very high compared to one ui 6.1, I used to have 6gb avaliable when nothing was open and no background apps but now I only have 2gb avaliable after optimization and with no background apps. The phone alse gets hotter then before even when only using it for basic tasks.
 Now for my suggestions;
 1. Add frosted glass effect - no one wants regular basic blur effects, go for frosted glass and make it next level
 2. Make charging a nowbar element, please. It would look so much better then it currently does
 3. Improve the screen on charging animation, please, it needs improved desperately.
 4. Make it so that exercises started on a watch are also shown in the nowbar, currently only exercises started on the phone are shown in nowbar element
 5. It says maps is a nowbar element, however it doesn't work, please fix that / add it
 6. Make it so that if your galaxy Buds are connected and you hold on the volume slider in the quick settings it shows you a place where you can control the sound mode (off, anc, ambient)
 7. The animations are already pretty good, however I have seen some videos of other one ui 7 builds with even better animations, make the animations top notch.
 Galaxy AI suggestions:
 1. Increase the max length of text that can be selected for spelling and grammar and writing style, right now it is so little
 2. Make Bixby use ChatGPT just like apple does to make it even smarter
 If Samsung implemented these suggestions and fixed all the bugs, one UI 7 would be ahead of the game (even though it already is now)
 What do you guys think? Are these good suggestions? Do you hope Samsung adds these and do you have any other suggestions? Let's get Samsung to see this so we can make One UI 7 the best One UI version

I reposted this in suggestions, I originally posted it in discussions but reposted it here too so there's a better chance Samsung sees it.
8 Replies
Give us the ability to alphabetically sort our app drawer in horizontal layout like it's been for 14 years. That would be cool. Also, when I'm listening to YT music and check a message, if it is an audio message or video it shuts off the YT app. It used to pause the music but looks like it shuts it off completely and I have to reenter the app. It's hot or miss on that, too.
Yes! Hopefully Samsung sees this and listens to what everyone wants! Thse should be no brainer features
Black Hole
Great suggestion šŸ‘
They don't read anything here.
Not recently they haven't been sadly
Black Hole
They read the suggestion but not everything can be approved but if everyone reports the same suggestions than it can happen
Lots of the things I posted I've seen other people ask for too, I hope they at least confirm they saw this