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Misc ideas

(Topic created: 12-18-2024 08:09 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Please allow the following;
• I hate bloatware & adds on a $1300 device, cuz it ruins the experience & no1 else does this @ these price points, so please get rid of "ALL" the unnecessary stuff that hurts the experience by getting rid of all the bloatware & combining "ALL" of the Google apps W/ the Samsung apps in the OneUI7 ovelay, cuz the Google apps kinda miss out & the experience of Samsung devices would be much better if U allow us 2 delete any app we want, so U don't have any bloatware, delete all adds throughout the device, combined Google, Gemini & Bixby Assistants in2 better Bixby Assistant experience even the Google speakers should hear Hey Bixby instead of Hey Google
• Now that U got Google Drive & Microsoft OneDrive in2 the Files app please get rid of those apps 4 less bloatware
• Better popup notifications on OneUI7, cuz certain apps will just popup randomly
 • The use of VPN's, cuz we should all be able 2 protect ourselves from prying eyes & it's kinda creepy that U as Samsung would be apart of those prying eyes
• Please stop allowing other companies 2 charge us 4 things that's usually included in the OS 4 free of charge like visual voicemail, spam blocking calls & texts then include those services in the phone app
• Customize certain apps & screens 2 rotate or not like videos & video games
• Build the entire OneUI7 4 thumbs as much as possible & allow companies 2 prioritize the use of thumbs over fingers when using the candybar format
• I think I heard this leak, but if not allow AI 2 reduce the power consumption of the display(s), the radios & the chipset W/O reducing the performance
• Vacation toggle- customized selections of alarms, reminders & appointments, so when U go on vacation U don't have annoying notifications that have no purpose
• The clock app should be synced acrossed the OneUI7 account, so U have a timer that's running on all devices @ the same time
• W/ multitasking please bring back the wall of apps option
• Add certain downloaded apps 2 the Nowbar like remotes & ALL media apps, also add SmartView, Dex & Smartthings app 2 the Nowbar as well, so U don't have 2 open the device 2 use them, so they basically now become remotes on UR lockscreen
• Replace the music symbol, allow us 2 control the apps & open up the app in interest on other Samsung devices all by using the GalaxyWatches Nowbar
• I'm thinking U already have plans 4 this, but 2 make sure that I cross every T & dot every i I'll ask anyways, so please add phone calls 2 the Nowbar as well
• Make the cut, copy & paste feature much better by the paste option appearing on top of the keyboard right away, cuz it only shows up most of the time after U go hunting 4 it in the clipboard & it shouldn't go away until U use it or click on the X 2 cancel it, also allow Bixby 2 read anything U select & anything U select can also be a Google search as well all the time
• The AOD on all the watches should be the main screen by making the AOD popup when the screen times out just like on the phones, but the phones & watches R the only devices I have an opinion about, cuz I own them maybe 1 day I'll own the entire Samsung line of devices lol
• Add the option 2 monitor the battery life of all the devices on all the devices W/ a screen
• Please highly organize the inter phone weighted @ the bottom of tue screen W/ the taskbar always @ the top, then UR able 2 organize the notifications (W/ the format of 1st apps, 2nd threads & 3rd contacts also organize them in the notification center, notification bubbles alike & allow a menus 2 drop down when U click on 1 of the 3), toggles, apps (only 6 app like the following Tools, Communications, Shopping apps will be on all phones OS & U can download Media, Library & Creative + U can customize all of the OS)
• Please allow us 2 have expanded app folders in the app drawer just like the homescreen
• Please stop multiwindow from being the default of opening apps
• Let us customization the status bar including the Nowbar & a different taskbar, W/ only swiping & tapping enabled 2 make the UI better, but W/ only quick actions buttons instead of directionary buttons
• Please allow us 2 have fully customizable locations & times of use like a work & play phone profiles, so when UR @ work or off work UR phone knows that & will set UR phone settings, wallpapers, widgets, apps, contacts & ect 2 accommodate the appropriate occasion
• Please allow us 2 have a better Reminders app like able 2 make calls directly from the Reminders app & allow us 2 have the ability 2 have questions 4 a friend that'll popup in notifications when U get close 2 their phone
• I don't know if this 1 is possible 4 Samsung 2 accomplish, but it would be pretty dope 2 have all UR calls & texts on VOIP (instead of running through the cellular towers), all UR socail media (W/O running the apps), a better way 2 lookup new contacts like businesses & such W/ the power of Google
• Please allow the microphone 2 be directly connected 2 Google, cuz when I don't know how 2 spell a word I have 2 go 2 the Google app all the time & it gets pretty annoying
• Please move the alarms, reminders & appointments in2 the Nowbar
• Please allow us 2 pin any app we want 2 the Nowbar & unpin very easily
• Please fix the bug in the Gallery app where UR picture gets stuck as U edit it & U end up cropping the image if U save it, so U have 2 erase what work U've done & start again
• I wish there was away 2 squeeze enlarged app folders in2 the dock, so I don't need the app drawer nomore, so if U can figure that out that would be super dope
• Please add the ability 2 swipe up on the Nowbar on the lockscreen or tap the icon in the status bar 2 expand the Nowbar 2 see everything that's running or pinned 2 the Nowbar
• Please have 3 ways 2 stream UR device like Customized Dex, SmartView (stream media) & screen mirroring
• The phone app needs a hold feature, so when UR on hold U can do even more like watch play, media or do whatever W/ the call in the background & it counts how long U been on hold in the notification center
• 4 the record U don't need 2 timers, cuz the timer in the Nowbar is good enough
• Please add widget folders 2 the lockscreen
• Please add an easier away 2 flip from the notification center 2 the control panel back & 4th W/ thumbs, but very easily W/O swiping away notifications or touching a toggle when U don't want 2 
• In the Gallery app please add Adobe Photoshop Suite quality editing features, like layers, curves, ect (play W/ all the colors @ once by selecting colors in the photos or videoes/games) & features I never heard of be4, but here we go, so if there's an object in the photo or video/game that U want 2 edit, then that can become a layer when U select it, then U name the layer, then U save UR work, then afterwards U make UR picture wallpapers, live wallpapers & video wallpapers in the Gallery app using Goodlock then U can save as many of them 2 the Gallery app as U want
• Please fix editing feature in Gallery app when saving edits, cuz it gets stuck randomly a lot of the time & 2 get out of it U'll have 2 revert back 2 the original photo which isn't good
• Swipe through Homescreens in any direction
• AI generated downloadable, customizable, designable themes like wallpapers, widgets &/or app folders (lockscreens, homescreens, app drawer, keyboards, Spen screen, notification center &/or control panel) that U can flip through (phone, watch, tablet, laptop & ect)
• Please allow us 2 hide or delete any apps throughout the phone, watch, tablet, laptop & ect
• Please have 1 weather service, but all the data is coming from GoogleNow, Gemini & Bixby Assistant W/O having 2 access the actual assistant
• Please allow us 2 have fully customizable controls on The Nowbar
• Please make all of UR own apps on The OneUI7, so instead of having Google & Samsung apps we just have The Samsung apps like incorporate Google Play in2 The GalaxyStore & so on
• Please allow The Dock 2 be hidden from The Homescreens 2 make more room 4 widgets, folders & apps
• Please allow the mic in the keyboard 2 be on the other side of the keyboard, cuz sometimes I hit the mic when I don't want 2
• Please allow the mic 2 have 2 settings in the keyboard like 1 word mic or multi words mic
• In the Control Panel please add percentages in the volume & brightness controls just like the battery percentage in the statusbar, cuz it kinda sucks 2 go 2 the Google Home app all the time 2 control the volume 4 my Google Home Speakers
• On the lockscreen please add 2 buttons that'll simulate swipe downs like 1 4 the notification center, the other 4 the control panel or both 2gether W/ 1 button, so U have options when the phone is locked
4 Replies
Beta Moderator


Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback and ideas for improving the OneUI7 experience and Samsung devices. We truly appreciate the passion and thoughtfulness you've put into outlining these suggestions.

You've highlighted several areas where you believe we can enhance the user experience, such as reducing bloatware, enabling more customization, improving multitasking features, and integrating AI for optimized power management. Your emphasis on user control, privacy, and functionality is well-noted and aligns with many of the goals we strive to achieve.

Some specific points, like enhancing the Nowbar's functionality, allowing more customization in the status bar and taskbar, and syncing the Clock app across devices, are valuable insights that can contribute to a more seamless ecosystem. Your suggestions for improving the cut, copy, and paste functionality and refining the Always-On Display (AOD) behavior on watches are particularly compelling.

We understand that removing unnecessary apps, minimizing ads, and ensuring freedom to manage applications are important to our users. Your input on integrating Google and Bixby assistants or improving accessibility for thumb usage across the UI provides us with creative directions to explore.

While we can't guarantee the immediate implementation of these features, rest assured that your feedback will be shared with the relevant teams. Samsung is committed to listening to our community and continuously improving the user experience.

Thank you again for your thoughtful and constructive feedback. If you have further insights or wish to elaborate on any of these points, we encourage you to continue the conversation here.



One UI Beta Team

Cosmic Ray
Thanx U, sssooo much that was super kool & was definitely a bucklist achievement right there...I mean being acknowledged by Samsung R U kidding me & I'm so stoked U feel the samway about what I've been thinking about my whole life & all I wanted in life is 2 be recognized 4 what I have 2 offer this world & the reason I feel like I was born on 2 this rock, so I'm looking 4 an opportunity 4 a carrer in Samsung 2 keep these ideas flowing, cuz there's, sssooo much more than where that came from, so please think about it, cuz I think I'm a very valuable asset 2 Samsung & UR a valuable asset 2 my ideas, cuz U can engineer & code them out 2 the world, so I'll keep it flowing as long as I keep getting recognition 4 my work, so thanx U, have a kool Christmas, New Year's & hopefully U get back 2 me soon
I agree with everything you said.
Concerning the initial point regarding pre-installed applications, Universal Android Debloater may offer a solution to the excess software Samsung persistently includes.