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Original topic:

The Nitty Gritty

(Topic created: 12-12-2024 07:28 AM)
Lets get right down to it for the second time cuz the app deleted my post after I spent a hour on it. 

Call Recording

Call Recording and Transcripting, The USA Laws are something that can be a issue for Samsung I understand but cmon, Im not going to be using either one cuz it defeats the point of it, NO i dont want the person Im recording to know im recording and if I did, id just be like " hey i think imma record this convo for later". 

The fact that International phones have this feature without telling the other person Im recording just makes me want to buy one of those phones when the S25 ultra is released.

Im 75% sure Apple doesnt tell people that hey this convo is about to be recorded and if it does then how about 3rd party apps that do just this. This would be a big game changer to have native call recording that didnt tell people. Yes we got the feature but im sure only like 10% of people are going to use it.

UI Issues 
Ive seen a bunch of UI things that can be changed to make it better and easier to use a Samsung device 


How am I suppose to reach the Top left of the screen to open my notification panel is seperate mode if im right handed. Why not make 2 areas to open one or the other and place these areas and the bottome of the screen so its easier for leftys and rightys.


Just why arent app folders the same size as 2x4 widgets. My OCD is already bad and now I get reminded I have it everytime I open my phone. It would also be cool to resize folders just like widgets.


This is while Im plugging my phone up looks normal.


And this is what it looks like after like 10 seconds. Why not have the Charging Now Bar stay up while charging ... the Whole time its charging. Not only that but have the old Text about the status of my phone being charged be displayed nicely in the Charging now bar. so we can have a Very nice charging animation that displays all the info. You could have the bar be different colors to indicate different rates of charging and have the percentage and time the phone will be done charging display all the in bar.

Also something that would be nice with the Now Bar is if I could swipe it away. either down or to the right or left. Ive also seen that the Bar stays up even after ive closed all my recent apps EX Youtube Music just stays there untill I tap on the now bar then swipe it away.


Why are there gaps at the top left and right of screen, slide things into those gaps and fill them. Also get rid of the carrier on the lock screen. I know who I pay my phone bill to every month. I dont need a reminder. I know mine says Home but ive seen others say AT&t or verison like just get rid of it. It looks cheesy.


Yes Edge panels are gone but anyone using gestures to maximize their screen doesnt use edge panels cuz they get in the way, BUT when I found out about SMART SELECT and that the only way to be able to use it, is through edge panels. I was like "WHY SAMSUNG". I seen people on youtube showing this off and at first I thought circle to search needed a update. Which brings me to my next point why cant CTS and SS deploy the samish way just one of the left side of the screen and one on the right. 


We dont need to know the phone is secured by Knox because it says it on startup. Heard this is just cuz of the BETA but still if it isnt. Get rid of it and bring the apps down to fill the gap, it will just look nicer.


This in my opion is a great start to One UI 7 but there are some things that Samsung as a company could be pushing for that would compete more with other companys. Id like to see less Text to repersent things and more animations like the charging Now Bar thingy. It looks better. Call Recording isnt going to be good in the US unless they do just like a international phone, and last they just need to polish a few things up that dont make sense with the UI and they will be GOLDEN!

I know ive might of miss out on a few things in this post but at this point ive spent 2 hours writing it, My only hope and goal is for someone at Samsung to read my post and possibly impliment some of my ideas to try to make this better.

Thank you for your time.

6 Replies
Honored Contributor
You know that you can swipe down anywhere on your screen to access the notification panel, then swipe left for controls. I have them together. One swipe for notification and double swipe for controls.

To do this, just long press on an empty area of your home screen, then turn on the toggle on swipe down from home screen.1733985051141.jpg
I have this too. My suggestion was to make it easier to access both panels while one handed ... Directly. Without having to swipe down then swipe left. Instead my suggestion would mean I could swipe down on bottom right for controls and bottom left for notifications ... all while one handed
Honored Contributor
That doesn't make sense on the Ultra. I hold my phone with my left hand, one-handed I can't reach the right side of my screen as easily as the method already employed.

It's perfect for those with small hands.
Instead of swiping down from the top just move it to the lower half of the screen
Dude, what are you watching??
Beta Moderator

Hello @userk3T82LAW7K ,

Thank you for sharing your valuable suggestions on multiple topics! (Call recording, Grid sizes, Notification location, Now Bar limitation, Edge panels, Gaps in the Top screen for carrier information and Battery, Secured by Knox imprint...and we believe there could be more)

We have forwarded your feedback to the development team for review. The project manager is currently evaluating its alignment with our design concept and goals. If your suggestion aligns with our direction, we will consider applying it to the official release.

Thank you for your continued participation in the Beta program.

Best regards,
One UI Beta Team