Original topic:

Poor Connection on home wi-fi during video call

(Topic created: Monday)
Fold & Flip Phones

It's been 5 months now, whenever I make a video call with my Flip 5 on my Home Wifi , in WhatsApp or meta or Microsoft Call, it always shows poor connection and it's shows reconnecting to the other person. 

Although I can see and hear the other person in my phone. 
It happend only when connected to my home wifi. Other wifi and mobile data seems to work fine during video call and has no issues.
I have checked the wifi speed spoke to wifi carrier, everything seems to be fine.
I can also watch seamlessly 1080p HD video and download at high speed, but when it comes to video call am not sure what happen. 
Check with intelligent wifi setting, updated WhatsApp apps. Tried almost everything.
Is anyone facing the same with their flip 5s . Please let me know if am missing out anything which would help me resolve my issue.
1 Reply
Fold & Flip Phones
Yes, that happens with me using WhatsApp, but it's my bf terrible connection. Do you not have use less data for calls on? That should be off, but I get poor video quality and the same notifications as you do. Are you sure it's not the other user issue?